mercoledì 31 luglio 2024

Valdagno. The first move.


The City Council discussed the budget. The first move of the Administration is therefore of a financial nature. This approach betrays the anxiety of he new budgetists to evaluate the impact of debt services (interests of mortgages) on the spending margins of the economics account. Citizens would be interested above all in verifying whether they were taken for a ride or not when during the election campaign they were told that in the first hundred days the new administration would benefit from previous good financial management. It seems infact that the previous surplus amounts to over two million euros. In my opinion a good administration should use the resources generated by careful management for investments not for current expenditure. And also it’s not true that allocating surplus resources to forecasts of increase current expenditure was an obligatory step.

I think that a competent administration allocates the resources derived from prudent  management towards investments, not current expenses.



L'immagine mostra lo schizzo caricaturale del gonfalone valdagnese. Sul piano simbolico, religiosamente parlando, l'agnello richiama il concetto di guida e protezione. Qui il torrente simboleggia il rischio ma la bandiera (mezza UE e mezza USA) rappresenta una forza benevola che veglia sull'innocente...

--- e tutti speriamo che lo sia.

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