lunedì 6 febbraio 2023

Severe earthquake Syria and Turkey



A severe earthquake starts in Syria and Turkey. The latest quake has caused many building weakened by earlier tremours to collapse. Magnitude 7.8; thousands of people killed. The tremours were felt as far away as Greenland.

According to some conspiracy sourses the earthquake was created in Alaska inside the HAARP research program.

Some NATO countries knew about the earthquake before it happened an evacuated their embassies...




    civilian casualties as collateral damages.


Gran pompa sul terremoto in Turchia/Siria. Per le prime 24 ore il mainstream ha nominato solo la Turchia. Messaggio del Presidente Mattarella. Servizi in prima pagina con bambini e mamme terremotate solo dalla Turchia. Nel frattempo da tutti i cosiddetti “stati canaglia” stanno atterrando aerei carichi di aiuti per la Siria terremotata mentre i Paesi Nato non solo sono assenti ma, a causa delle sanzioni vigenti, impediscono addirittura i soccorsi.

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